Photo by Jessica Lily
Yes, Fiddler’s Green has moved once again! And we’re delighted that the extraordinary folk singer, musician, songwriter, and long-time AAFFM friend Elise Witt will perform with some surprise guests to inaugurate our partnership with First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta.
Elise’s concerts of Global, Local & Homemade Songs™ and her Impromptu Glorious Chorus™ workshops create and connect singing communities around the world. Elise was born in Switzerland, raised in North Carolina, and since 1977 has made her home in Atlanta. She speaks five languages fluently, sings in over a dozen more, and has been a cultural ambassador to South Africa, Italy, Nicaragua, Switzerland, Bosnia, and China. WE’RE ALL BORN SINGING is her 12th recording for the independent EMWorld Records, and many of her songs are available for choirs in the Elise Witt Choral Series. Recipient of the William L. Womack Creative Arts Award, Elise is Artist-in-Residence at the Global Village Project, a school for teenage refugee girls in Decatur GA. Her concerts are famous for turning audiences (even self-professed “non-singers”) into an Impromptu Glorious Chorus™.
For more information:
A performer to remember with international savvy and personal charm! ~ Kennedy Center Millennium Stage
Wide horizons and a repertoire that borrows from many countries with a spirit of univeral humanism. ~ Le Cri du Coyote, France
About our move . . .
Long-time Atlanta folk music devotees may recall that before AAFFM began Fiddler’s Green in 1986, we presented occasional concerts at First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta in Candler Park. So moving our monthly coffeehouse concert series to this excellent venue feels like coming home.
We think you’ll richly enjoy your coffeehouse experience at “First E.” The space may remind you pleasantly of the old days at Garden Hills Community Center. It offers attractive rustic ambience, fine acoustics, good climate control, handicap-access, and space enough to accommodate large turnouts. Also like Garden Hills, you’re welcome to bring your own alcoholic beverages to this venue.
First E. is easy to find. It’s on Candler Park Drive off McLendon Avenue, several blocks east of Little Five Points and right around the corner from our erstwhile venue, New Church UMC. There’s plenty of parking on the street alongside the park. Please do not venture up the driveway beside the building; that’s private property.
We need more volunteers here than has been required in the recent past.
We especially need folks to help set up and take down tables and chairs. Volunteers enjoy the shows for free if they wish. If you’re interested, please contact Chris Moser at or 770-482-1209.
We very much appreciate the hospitality extended us since last fall at our previous venue, New Church (formerly Epworth). Our friends there have been a delight to work with, and we’ll miss them. But both we and the congregants at First E. are tremendously excited about the relocation of our coffeehouse there. We look forward to a partnership that we believe will help Fiddler’s Green thrive for a long time to come.
Don’t miss this great performance in our wonderful new space!