Atlanta Area Friends of Folk Music
This site lists information about folk music and related activities in the greater Atlanta area and the Southeastern U.S. It contains:
- General and recurring information in an expanded directory format
- Links to other folk resources
- See the EVENTS Tab for Fiddler’s Green and other AAFFM- sponsored concerts, workshops, and pickin’ parties, as well as other events of interest in and around Atlanta.
In email blasts, you’ll find details about current events and information on member-only activities like our famous “get-togethers”. If you’d like to host a pick-‘n-grin, let us know! See the EVENTS tab for upcoming concerts and pickin’ parties.
Contact us at to host a pickin’ party, join our organization, find out about an upcoming concert, party or workshop, or to submit listings to the website.
See the ‘History‘ tab for the history of the organization.
AAFFM sponsors a local monthly coffeehouse, Fiddler’s Green, that features concerts that included traditional music, singer-songwriters, poetry and storytelling. It is held at Epworth Methodist Church. AAFFM Membership benefits include the email blasts (our mailing list will always remain private) and discounts on AAFFM sponsored concerts. Annual membership dues are $15 for individuals and $20 for families, $35 sustaining members. E-mail for membership information.